Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pregnancy - The Big Event

Just as in pregnancy, the big event, birth, is full of complex emotions for both mother and father.

For many days before delivery, the mother may experience contraction know as Braxton Hicks contractions.

These are thought to prepare the uterus (womb) for delivery. True labor has generally begun when contractions are 10 minutes apart.

The end of the first stage is known as transition and is often the most tiring. It is for this stage that childbirth class preparation is often the most helpful, because relaxation is important

The second stage of labor ends when the child is delivered, lasting 1 to 2 hours in the first. The third stage is the shortest one and lasts from several minutes to half hour.

So these are the events that a mother will go through during child labor. If you want to share something to the readers, add to this, or comment on it, we will be happy to hear it.

Alvaro Castillo has been writing health articles specializing on pregnancy and babies for many years. For more information feel free to check his website at

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