Genetic factors are important to physical growth. Tall parents tend to have tall children and short parents tend to have short children.
Height has always seemed a trivial characteristic by which to judge any person. Unfortunately, our culture has traditionally placed values on various heights. Being tall has been as an asset for boys but a problem for girls.
Some parents are concerned that their children will be handicapped for being too tall or too short, and seek out ways to change growth patterns. Many tall women might remember being teased because of their height when they were younger.
Height has always seemed a trivial characteristic by which to judge any person. Unfortunately, our culture has traditionally placed values on various heights. Being tall has been as an asset for boys but a problem for girls.
Some parents are concerned that their children will be handicapped for being too tall or too short, and seek out ways to change growth patterns. Many tall women might remember being teased because of their height when they were younger.
Tell us what you think, or if you have some suggestions
Alvaro Castillo has been researching on healthy parenting for many years. Check his website for more information in http://www.myhomeparent.com/